
1for Jesus at his ___. A large crowd of tax (5)
3pray, but Yours ___ on eating and drinking.” (4)
6a new garment and ___ it on an old one. If he (4)
8do you eat and ___ with tax collectors and (5)
11of God, He saw ___ boats at the edge of the l (3)
12He taught the ___ from the boat.  When (6)
13the offering ___ prescribed for your clea (5)
15hear Him and to be ___ of their sicknesses. (6)
16two boats at the ___ of the lake. The fisherme (4)
17and from every ___ of Galilee and Judea, (7)
20him. “But go, show ___ to the priest and pre (8)
22the Son of Man has ___ on the earth to forg (9)
25for a catch.”  “___,” Simon replied, “we (6)
26reached out His ___ and touched the man. “I a (4)
27teachers of the ___ were sitting there. People (3)
28but God alone?”  ___ what they were thinkin (7)
32“Why do you ___ this in your hearts? (8)
34partners James and ___, the sons of Zebedee. (4)
36Him.  Then Levi ___ a great banquet for (6)
37to pray.  One ___ Jesus was teaching, and (3)
40news about Jesus ___ all the more, and great (6)
41“Follow Me,” He ___ him, and Levi got up, lef (4)
43yourself to the ___ and present the offerin (6)
46me clean.”  Jesus ___ out His hand and touch (7)
47came along who was ___ with leprosy. When he (7)
49glorifying God. ___ was taken with amazem (8)
52of Galilee and ___, and the power of the (5)
53lake. The fisher___ had left them and were was (3)
55man who speaks ___? Who can forgive sin (9)
57of God, He saw two ___s at the edge of the lake. (4)
60got into the boat ___ to Simon and asked (9)
61with amazement and ___ God. They were fille (9)
63He said to the ___, “I tell you, get up (9)
64with them? But the ___ will come when the brideg (4)
65“Put out into ___ water and let down your (4)
66him inside to ___ him before Jesus, but they (3)
67the new wine will ___ the skins, the wine will (5)
68to tear. So they ___ to their partners in (8)


1your mat, and go ___.”  Immediately the man (4)
2said, “for I am a ___ man.” For he and his (6)
4to the priest and ___ the offering Moses (7)
5sick. Just then, ___ men came carrying a paral (4)
6the wine will ___, and the wineskins will (5)
7on Him to hear the ___ of God, He saw two boats (4)
9went up on the ___ and lowered him on his (4)
10he fell at Jesus’ ___. “Go away from me, Lord, (5)
12old.  And no one ___ new wine into old winesk (5)
14Jesus had finished ___, He said to Simon, (8)
15in on Him to ___ the word of God, He saw (4)
18will be ruined. ___, new wine is poured in (7)
19“Do not be ___,” Jesus said to Simon, (6)
21 When Jesus had ___ speaking, He said to (8)
23boat to come and ___ them, and they came and (4)
24the fish they had ___, and so were his partner (5)
29there, along with ___ who were eating with (6)
30tried to bring him ___ to set him before Jesus (6)
31“Can you make the ___ of the bridegroom fast (6)
33hearts? Which is ___: to say, ‘Your sins are (6)
34had come from ___ and from every villa (9)
35“It is not the ___ who need a doctor, but (7)
38were filled with ___ and said, “We have seen (3)
39says, ‘The old is ___.’” (6)
42standing by the ___ of Gennesaret with the (4)
43tell you, get up, ___ up your mat, and go home. (4)
44“Go away from me, ___,” he said, “for I am a (4)
45You can make me ___.”  Jesus reached out His (5)
47I have not come to ___ the righteous, but sinner (4)
48of the crowd, ___ in front of Jesus.  When (5)
50the more, and gr___ crowds came to hear Him an (3)
51and present the ___ Moses prescribed for (8)
54worked through the ___ without catching anythin (5)
55fell facedown and ___ Him, “Lord, if You are (6)
56him.  “Do not tell ___,” Jesus instructed him. (6)
58a parable: “No one ___ a piece of cloth from a (5)
59the wilderness to ___.  One day Jesus was teach (4)
62of the lake. The ___ermen had left them and we (4)


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